- we coexisted pretty well? 我们相处得挺好的?
- Our firm is stacking up pretty well these days. 我们公司目前情况相当不错。
- Mr. Zhang can read English pretty well. 张先生英语读得很好。
- The two joints hang together pretty well. 这两个接头衔接得很好。
- No, small problems but we get along pretty well. 谈不上争论,都是小问题,但我们很和谐。
- My patience is pretty well exhausted. 我几乎忍无可忍。
- They were pretty well done by the time we got in. 我们进来时,这些工作已完成了大半。
- He's pretty well off for food and drink. 他的食物和酒储存充裕。
- We all know each other pretty well. 我们大家彼此都很熟识。
- The wallpaper and paint match pretty well. 壁纸和油漆的颜色十分协调。
- We all found ourselves pretty well on the same spot. 我们发现我们的立场颇为相同。
- Rick Levin: No, small problems but we get along pretty well. 理查德·莱温:谈不上争论,都是小问题,但我们很和谐。
- John and Jane see pretty well eye to eye on most things. 约翰与珍在大部分事情上看法很一致。
- Hearn, we got along pretty well, so don't cream it for me. 候恩,咱们两个一向相处得满不错,你可别给我去随便乱说。
- It's pretty well impossible to travel over these mountains in winter. 在冬季要跨越这些高山,几乎是不可能的。
- I closed with her, and we drove on our business pretty well. 我和他合伙,我们经营得都还不错。
- So, the more important a thing is; the cheaper it should be. They are priceless, such as those things that we coexist for long term. 所以,越是重要的东西就必须越不值钱。凡是我们能长期与之共处的人、事、物;它就必须是呼之即来的无价之宝。
- The first windward leg went pretty well, we had good speed. 我们的第一个迎风还跑得不错,速度很快。
- She's pretty well agreed to go away with me. 她已大致同意和我一起去。
- The airlines were doing pretty well. 那些航空公司营运不错。